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Nikolaj Plads 15
1067 København K

CVR: 82883711
EAN: 5790002333897

Reg.: 9541 konto: 5401429

Telefon: 33 12 16 00

Fedtekælderens bygning

Fedtekælderen (English)

Multicultural morning cafe for homeless people in Christianshavn

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Fedtekælderen is our day shelter on Christianshavn, located in the basement of Stanley’s Gaard, the parish hall of the Christianshavn churches. It opened in 1960 as a day shelter for men and was visited mainly by alcoholics. Back then 120 men could pop by for a cup of tea and a “fedtemad” (rye bread with coagulated fat) for 13 øre, which gave the place its name. 

Fedtekælderens porpuse is to meet the needs of struggling people with presence, care and respect.

Watch a movie about Fedtekælderen by Christianshavns Kvarter here (Danish).

Target group

Fedtekælderen is a place for people struggling with homelessness, mental illness, substance and/or drug abuse and other social issues. Here there is room for everyone who makes room for others. We have 50-80 visitors on the daily.


Fedtekælderen is a refuge for the many vulnerable and marginalized people who visit each day. Here you can get your basic needs covered, like showers, rest, food and help with everyday challenges, be it reattaching a button or communicating with authorities or anything in between. 

The shelter opens at 8am with free breakfast and registration for the showers and the beds. If visitors exceed capacity things are decided by a draw. 

  • Coffee: 3 DKK
  • Laundry: 20 DKK
  • Food: 10 DKK 
  • Shower: 5 DKK
  • Breakfast, tea and open sandwiches are free. 

Fedtekælderen has about 25-30 volunteers who participate in the daily operation and decisions about the developments of the place. As a volunteer you can contribute with the skills of your wishes.  

The large number of volunteers enable us to help more people with more things than would otherwise be possible. Among other things, it is thanks to volunteers that we can offer food, showers and help to the extent that we do. 

As a volunteer you can help with practical tasks such as cooking, helping people get a shower, handing out clean clothes, etc. You can also participate in excursions, join the popular barbeque events or "just" hang out in our space with our guests from around the world.

If you have the appropriate skills and/or experience, you can assist employees in helping guests with referals to public institutions and other social organisations. You can work as an interpreter, be a support companion for guests and help expand their social network.

If you’re considering becoming a volunteer, call manager Sharon Parker on +45 24 41 11 44 to arrange a mutually non-binding meeting. 

If you’re interested in volunteering in the Greenlandic work specifically, contact Sara, Greenlandic culture worker on +45 21 37 37 95 to arrange a mutually non-binding meeting. 

The Greenlandic work

An estimated little more than 16.000 Greenlanders live in Denmark. Among this group an estimated 1000-1500 are socially vulnerable. A little over 2000 Greenlanders live in Copenhagen, which is also an education metropolis. Thus, most of the Greenlanders coming to Denmark fare well. Still there’s a relatively big group who are to be considered socially vulnerable. 

Fedtekælderen's Greenlandic work

Every Thursday a little piece of Grønland visits Fedtekælderen. Between 12:30 and 14:30 the place is open for Greenlanders only, and Greenlandic food is served. 

The purpose of the food club is to strengthen the relation between the Greenlandic users, the culture worker and Fedtekælderen. The idea is for the club to work as a bridge into the other services offered here. 

We want to lessen the loneliness that many Greenlanders in Denmark experience, and facilitate the creation of networks. Here we laugh, eat, hug and tell stories. 

We have a full time Greenlandic culture worker who can be reached in the regular opening hours. 


Sharon Parker
Phone: +45 24 41 11 44

Anca-Octavia Koti-Nan
Culture worker
Phone: +45 23 72 14 34

Sara Josenius Wagnholt
Greenlandic culture worker
Phone: +45 21 37 37 95

Henriette Krohn
Team leader
Phone: +45 32 54 56 08



Overgaden Oven Vandet 6A
1415 København K


Tlf.: +45 32 54 56 08


Sharon Parker
Phone: +45 24 41 11 44

Opening hours

Monday: 8 am - 1 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 12 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 1 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 12 pm
Friday: 8 am - 13 pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: 8 am - 12 pm (October 1st - April 30th)

Greenlandic café: Thursday 12.30 pm - 2 pm.

Fedtekælderen is open on all holidays except Christmas Day and New Years Day.